Chatting on twitter is growing from being a novelty to something everyone does. Chats on topics such as leadership, social media, and a variety of Christian topics have become very popular. (NOTE: scroll down for a schedule of all chats.)
There are a number of ways to access a chat. The simplest is to use . Just fill in the name of the chat--in this case, MKBibleChat--and you will see the stream of tweets and can join the discussion. The advantage of this method is tweetchat adds the hashtag for you. No need to type it in.
Which brings up an important point. You MUST include the hashtag #MKBiblechat with all tweets to join the discussion. If not, noone on the chat will see your comment.
You can also join the discussion (for normal twitter) by searching in the "search" box for #MKBIBLECHAT or by clicking on the hashtag #MKBiblechat on someone's tweet. On tweetdeck (which is free and which I recommend) you can create a separate column just for all tweets that include the hashtag (by the way, a hashtag is the symbol "#").
If you have any problems joining a chat just tweet me at my twitter name: @BibleMemCoins and will be glad to help.
Below is a temporary schedule of all chats until we can download the infographic chart.
Monday thru Friday we have chats scheduled at 9:30am EST (all times are eastern in the U.S.--if you are outside the U.S. just google to find out information); 2pm EST; 7:55pm EST; and 10pm EST.
The exceptions are Thursday the daytime chat is 3pm instead of 2pm, and Friday the early evening chat is 7pm, not 7:55pm EST.
Saturdays we do Interview Chat at 11am EST & Bible Jeopardy at 8pm EST. On Sunday morning @cheridouglas does an hour of sharing scripture.
We will notify you when the infographic is downloaded. God bless, and hope you will join us often.
If you would like to help our overseas aspect of the ministry as we lead DeepChats with many third world Christians, see